Think Twice Before Investing in Expensive Printing SuppliesThink Twice Before Investing in Expensive Printing Supplies

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Think Twice Before Investing in Expensive Printing Supplies

When my custom-made t-shirt business began to suffer financially, I wanted to begin handing out printed advertisements and having take-home t-shirt pricing materials printed to advertise my low prices that many people didn't know about. Although I had great supplies to print on t-shirts, they differ greatly from traditional printers. I was looking to invest in a good laser printer, but I came across an online advertisement for a printing service while I was browsing. I did some quick calculations, and I figured out that I could have a huge number of professional printed materials made several times each year for just a fraction of the investment price of that new printer I was looking into. I created this blog to share my experience with other business owners looking to save cash wherever they can. For me, I saved greatly by outsourcing printing of my promotional items.

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Keys To Making Sorority Congratulations Cards For New Members

If you're in charge of running a sorority organization, you want to make new members feel welcome. You can do this using congratulations cards. They'll show how excited your sorority is to have new members. Making these cards won't be difficult if you approach this creative process carefully.

Remember Your Sorority's Theme

In order to make your sorority unique from others around campus, there probably was a time when a theme was created. It may be specific colors or imagery that your sorority is known for. You need to use the same themes in the congratulations cards you make for new members of your sorority.

That's going to instantly come off as professional and make these cards have more of an impact for new members that receive them. When they open the cards up, they'll see the themed elements all over and know who the cards are from.

Show Your Excitement

Getting accepted by a sorority is a very big deal for a lot of women and you want to express this excitement in the cards you sent out to members that are accepted. Recipients should immediately get a sense of this accomplishment and the great memories they have to look forward to just by looking at these cards.

You need to use expressive wording that shows how your sorority is feeling and include a lot of bold elements. These simple tactics will give your congratulations cards more pop from a visual standpoint.

Use Long-Lasting Materials

Those that receive these congratulations cards in the mail are probably going to want to hold onto them as keepsakes. They can then show their family members these cards over the years, bringing them back to how excited they were when they first received these cards in the mail.

As such, make sure your cards are made out of long-lasting materials. If you're working with a professional card printing company, see what materials they have to offer that are high-quality and preferably thick. You may have to budget more for these premium card materials, but it will make a difference in how long these cards last.

Sending out congratulations cards is a pretty formal way to greet new sorority members. If you want to make compelling cards, think about the elements they include and the materials that you're relying on to support them. Ample thought into the development of these cards will make them turn out great. Search for Delta Sigma Theta congratulations cards and more to greet your newest members.